"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Joan Rivers

Another twofer.  Here's Joan getting out of the limo…

…and here she is heading back across the street after greeting fans.  Of all the CelebriGum photos I've taken, this is the one with the most pointing.


  1. The gum looks so good, do you think it's had work done?

  2. There are many black spots on the sidewalk near Joan's modest car. Are these petrified wads of gum? Please explain.

  3. Nice one, Karen!

    Amy, you raise a fascinating question. Being a very gum-centric person, I've discussed this in the past with Samantha. These black spots may in fact be gum, which introduces a whole new meta-level to the project. And as you know, I'm a very meta-centric person.

    The sidewalks of New York have millions of these black spots. On the one hand, they seem too numerous to be gum. But what else could they be? Paint or tar from building work would have presumably been caught by scaffolding or tarps--I don't remember ever being splattered with paint or tar as I walked along.

    Urban landscape experts invited to weigh in.
