"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Howard Stern

Among the many unexpected twists CelebriGum has taken is the bizarre prominence of the September 13th post featuring Howard Stern's lovely wife, Beth Ostrosky Stern.

For a lame CelebriGum photo, it was pretty good.  But I really don't know how it ended up near the top of the results if you search for "Beth Ostrosky Stern" on Yahoo's image search.  Check it out if you don't believe me.

Even now, months later, CelebriGum typically gets a few hits each day from people on Yahoo looking for pictures of Beth Ostrosky Stern.  I hope they're enjoying my witticisms.  One visitor even felt moved to leave a comment promoting an alleged Beth Ostrosky Stern sex tape.  I have not clicked on the link and cannot vouch for its safety. 

I don't know if this Howard Stern photo will do as well, since it's very low quality.  But it might get a few hundred accidental hits if I keep mentioning his lovely wife, Beth Ostrosky Stern.

Beth Ostrosky Stern.


  1. Honest to Gawd, that's about as much Howard Stern as I care to see.

  2. The Toast in the MachineMarch 2, 2011 at 7:23 PM

    Well, you now have at least 2 hits... :)
