"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ewan McGregor

It's time to think outside a different-shaped box!  Presenting the CelebriGum Extreme Vertical Edition!


It may seem stupid now, but according to completelybogusmacrumors.com, Apple is planning a 3 inch by 12 inch iPad.  If the rumor is correct, I need to be ready.  And if the rumor is correct, Apple's going to be in big trouble without Steve Jobs.

I don't have an iPad.  I'm holding out for the ZunePad.


  1. I think with a third photo, this would be very cool looking. As is, it's just cool.

  2. Always leave them wanting more tall, skinny photos of Ewan McGregor with old gum.
