"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Friday, April 26, 2013

A.J. Clemente

Two quite different strategies for achieving instant fame:

1. Be a rookie news anchor who doesn't realize his microphone is on and mutters profanities during the first few seconds of his very first newscast, thereby getting fired but also becoming a media sensation who appears on the Late Show.

2. Be photographed by CelebriGum walking down 53rd Street with a piece of paper inexplicably clamped in your mouth.

Will their fame be fleeting?  Will either ever be featured on CelebriGum again? 

A.J., you were charming and we're all rooting for you.  That said, I have an unerring instinct for picking winners, and I don't think we've seen the last of Paper-In-Mouth Guy.


  1. Fame Strategy no. 3: Post witty witicisms on celebrigum.com so often that everyone is sick of you.

    1. I'm almost there! (Okay, I'm there.)

    2. Yeah, but do it with a piece of paper in your mouth. I mean, make an effort for Chrissake!

  2. Saying fucking shit with a piece of paper in your mouth would make you my hero.

    1. It happens several times a week in the chaos of the hour before the show...
