"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Elizabeth Banks

Those paparazzi flashes are amazingly powerful.  Just how powerful? 

A radiologist friend says: "Examination of this CelebriGum image reveals that Ms. Banks' lungs are clear, her spinal vertebrae are in excellent condition, and in general the musculoskeletal structures show good health.  However, a couple issues could require attention: at some point the "Man On A Ledge" star swallowed a quarter, and a pair of scissors was apparently left in her abdomen during a surgical procedure."

Thanks, paparazzi, for helping to monitor celebrities' health as well as helping CelebriGum get useable photos during the dark winter months.

12 days til I reveal the identity of the Mystery Gum Chewer during halftime of Super Bowl XLVI!  That's two over-hyped events in one day!  


  1. Is Will Arnett working as a chauffeur now?

    1. Doubtful. That guy was probably hired from one of the city's many Arnett Impersonator agencies.

  2. I think Ms Banks is regenerating. Afterwards, did she look different and insist on being called The Doctor?

    1. I had to Google this. Dr. Who, I see. Dr. Who is one of the many shameful gaps in my pop culture knowledge.

  3. Where'd that paparazzo get his/her flash, Bed, Bath and Beyond Necessary?

  4. Thanks to the flash, I can barely see the gum!

  5. It's a complicated situation out there in the winter, but overall, I think the giant flashes are a net positive.

  6. The Toast in the MachineJanuary 25, 2012 at 8:02 PM

    Flash mob!
