"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Monday, January 2, 2012

Matt Damon

 A completely bald Matt Damon…

…visited the Late Show to promote "We Bought A Zoo" and announce the sequel he's already filming, "We Bought A Zoo Near Chernobyl That Caused Our Hair To Fall Out."

The lighthearted family film will be in theaters Christmas 2012.


  1. My calander doesn't go to Christmas 2012. Looks like I'll have to see that movie, in Hell.

  2. Please alert management if the temperature in the theater becomes uncomfortable.

  3. All that radiation seems to be affecting your picture quality, too. Have you noticed any unexplained hair loss among your fellow writers?

  4. Can't really tell, because we always wear elaborate wigs.

  5. That would explain the origin of Dave's old phrase "Hold on to your wigs and keys!"

  6. Great photo. Hey speaking of photos, do you guys need a new lead camera man with the retirement of Dave Dorsett? I've used a video camera a few times in the past (about once a year when I remember that I have it) and I come highly recommended. Let me know when I start.
