"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jon Huntsman

With all eyes on the Iowa caucuses this week, pundits are questioning the wisdom of Jon Huntsman's strategy.  Governor Huntsman skipped Iowa to concentrate on his CelebriGum appearance.

Will the gamble pay off?  Of course CelebriGum is huge in New Hampshire.  And Huntsman's pro-gum and pro-ledge policies seem to be gaining traction with voters.  

But if the rumors are to be believed, Mitt Romney is planning a CelebriGum blitz of his own in the coming days.  

Stay tuned to CelebriGum's Decision '12 Headquarters for more on this developing story.


  1. The only reason I'd vote for Jon Huntsman is because I'd love to see the first sweetest first daughters since Grover Cleveland's daughter Ruth*.

    Footnote: Rumor has it that the candy bar Baby Ruth was actually named after Grover Cleveland's daughter Ruth.

  2. Sounds like both guys are just in the pocket of "big gum." You know how those Mormons are, with their minty fresh breath!

  3. What's his position on gum control?

  4. "You'll take my gum when you pry it from my cold, dead mouth."

  5. "Take your stinkin' paws off me you damned, dirty wad!"

  6. Not sure what other Charlton Heston quotes apply here...

  7. "I'm Charlton Heston I have a sharp pain shooting up my left arm."

  8. "CelebriGum is PEOPLE!"

  9. What do the 99% of gum spattered on the sidewalk have to say about this?

  10. Who cares. Get a ledge, you hippie sidewalk gum!
