"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Monday, May 7, 2012

Anderson Cooper

The paparazzo at the top of the frame has made a rookie mistake.

When photographing Anderson Cooper, ALWAYS use a multi-coated polarizing filter, or the extreme whiteness may damage your camera and cause painful eye injury. 

Available at Amazon, Adorama, 47th St. Photo, and wherever fine Anderson Cooper photography supplies are sold.


  1. I should've used a filter on my eyes. Now I'm seeing Cooper everywhere I look! Even my cat looks like him now!

  2. You've got Transient Anderopia. It should resolve itself in a few days. Just be careful next time.

  3. David KazmierskiMay 8, 2012 at 9:30 PM

    Who would win in a fight, Anderson Cooper, Alice Cooper, A guy who drives a PT Cruiser, or a guy made of pewter? Sorry, but I'm on Who Wants to Be a Millionare and I only get one "Post a Comment on a Gum Related Site".

    Crazy Comment posted.

    1. So did you win the million dollars?

    2. Don't know. That comment was from the future. In the future I get a computer that lets me comment in the past. I guess I won, then was quickly killed. My future self doesn't comment anymore.

  4. The Toast in the MachineMay 9, 2012 at 10:23 PM

    In order to avoid the equivalent of a painful brain freeze to the eye, will a simple welding mask suffice in an Anderson Cooper photographic emergency?
