"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lots of Scotts

I've promised you "lots" of Scotts.  I know I can provide at least two.  Maybe three, if we're lucky.

From "Parks and Recreation," Adam Scott!

From ESPN, Scott Van Pelt!

So far we've got a first name Scott and a last name Scott.  What would really put this Gimmick Month entry over the top would be a middle name Scott.

Let me fire up the CelebriGum Reality Changer, a gadget of my own invention which, in theory, temporarily rearranges time and space to snap a gum photo of a hard-to-get celebrity… I'm typing in a name… the fabric of the universe is being rewoven… here comes the photo…

Ladies and gentlemen, the late author F. Scott Fitzgerald!

Crap.  So close.


  1. The Toast in the MachineAugust 12, 2012 at 7:42 PM

    Try adjusting the f-stop...

    1. Nice. There's actually a photographer who goes by the name f-stop Fitzgerald. There's also a pub in Salem, Oregon by that name, apparently.

    2. The Toast in the MachineAugust 13, 2012 at 9:10 AM

      Yes! I first became aware of the photographer f-stop Fitzgerald through his work with the Dead Kennedys. (Never heard of the pub, though.)
      And now, you've given us "DeadCelebriGum."

    3. Small world. That reminds me, I need to reply to an e-mail from Jello Biafra. No joke. I know him through record collecting. Thanks for the memory jog!

    4. The Toast in the MachineAugust 13, 2012 at 6:31 PM

      I'm here to help, Steve. :)
      (Also, I'm here to be ENVIOUS.)
      I love Jello!

  2. Replies
    1. ...what a lawn!
      (Sorry, just channeling a 1970's Scott Turfbuilder TV commercial)

    2. I'm a Charmin man, myself.
