"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Monday, May 6, 2013

Celebrigum #500: Paris Hilton

For CelebriGum's 500th entry, I wanted something special.  Paris Hilton, a celebrity made for CelebriGum if ever there was one, seemed ideal.  And while I did get plenty of classic CelebriGum photos of Paris…

… it just wasn't enough.  I wanted something freaky, different, and surprising -- and I found it.

In many of the photos, Paris is reflected in her SUV.  And thanks to the great camera I'm using, these little details blow up pretty well.  Please enjoy these freaky, different, and surprising Paris Hilton images.

And since this is CelebriGum, I would be remiss if I didn't include the corresponding gum from each of those photos.




Thanks for indulging me along the road to 500.  Onward to 5,000,000!


  1. Your photographic skills and creativity continue to blossom forth [it's spring!]. Very impressive, and quite the portfolio you must have amassed along the way. No comment on Ms. Hilton other than to say that the SUV images do create a sort of funhouse mirror quality, which would seem appropriate for the subject in some way. May another gallery showing be in your future.

    Jan B.

    1. Thanks--I think you're onto something there, metaphorically--the funhouse mirror effect of fame, warping both the celebrity and those who pay too much attention to their lives.
      Sorry, I set off the bullshit alarm there.

  2. Those are surprising, different and freaky.

    1. Then my work here is done.

      No, it's not--time to start thinking about entry #501.

    2. Actually what happened to the fellow who won the Celebrigum contest? I thought we'd have seen him standing on 53rd by now.

  3. David KazmierskiMay 6, 2013 at 9:08 PM

    500! Does this mean you can go into syndication?

    1. Not quite yet. The 5,000,000 figure I mentioned at the end of the entry is where the syndication money kicks in. Few gum and celebrity websites get that far.

  4. "Chewed-up and spit-out", a description that also applies to the gum.

  5. A Canon, is it? A smart man would get some extra ad money out of this deal... :)

    1. I upgraded to the Sony RX100. I use it for my non-gum photography also.

  6. "Reflections of Paris". Hmmm, sounds like a good title for my memoir. If, you know, I'd ever spent any time in Paris.

    Get your mind outta the gutter.

  7. 500? Isn't this when the vast Celebrigum PR machine should go into high gear? You've already nailed the NY Times, so maybe it's time to go in the other direction. USA Today feels about right. I may have to stop attending my son's 14 pony league baseball games this week and try to do my part.

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